Fireside Woodcraft


My name is Matt, I am a British craftsman from Essex. I make handmade wooden objects using traditional green woodworking techniques. When I'm not in the workshop I work as a Nature Reserve Warden managing woodlands for people and wildlife. I source all the wood for my products from my local area and process it in my home workshop. I am passionate about traditional woodworking, wildlife and all things wooden! Through Fireside Woodcraft I hope to capture the essence of the woods in my creations and share my passion with others along the way.


At the core of our business is a drive to create high quality products with the smallest ecological impact. We only use timber from sustainably managed woodlands or wood which is seen as waste.We use as little carbon as possible. We do this by using hand tools and powering our machines with renewable energy. At every opportunity we reuse our waste, off cuts are used for heating and wood shavings are used as packaging.